Presbytery Plan

The revised Presbytery Mission plan was presented and accepted with amendments at its meeting on Thursday 1st Sept 2022. It was a difficult night for all concerned and perhaps could have been handled better by all concerned. 

For Lecropt, the ministry section remained as in print i.e. 2 FTE ministry posts plus 1 OLM post in a parish grouping of 5 congregations.

The Presbytery then accepted an amendment from us asking that the words “Presbytery commits to helping the Kirk Session and congregation [of Lecropt] understand why it has come to the opinion that” were inserted before the paragraph “Lecropt Church, though ‘A’ listed by Historic Environment Scotland is not well appointed for regular worship and is only in use for worship. Presbytery recognises that there are specific and unique issues around the building and, though minded to classify this as ‘B’ recognises that further investigations and consultations will be needed prior to the confirmation of a classification and as such the congregation are given a year in conjunction with Presbytery, the Law Department, and the General Trustees along with third parties that hold an active interest in the building. Should the building be sold it is anticipated that worship will be located in the modern halls building which can be adapted for this purpose."

The other amendment was from the convenor himself who proposed that we (and others affected in a similar way) be given 2 years for these discussions instead of 1. So that is encouraging.

Presbytery were informed by us that “Lecropt agree that mission is crucial in the future life of our denomination and our congregations. We thank the ad-hoc committee for listening to the feedback we gave regarding the first version of the and we look forward to demonstrating to everyone how we use all of our resources for mission”.

If you have any questions regarding any of this please speak to the minister.