Blessing of infants

We celebrate with you the gift of your child. We are also delighted that you see the importance of thanking God and seeking His blessing on your child and your family at this time. 

In the church we know from the bible that all children are important to God, Psalm 139 tells us that God sees us and knows us before we are even born as we grow in our Mother’s womb. And in the gospels we see Jesus welcoming little children and blessing them.


Many at this time turn to church.  Some come seeking Baptism for their children. Baptism is a sacrament that is closely connected with Church Membership where parents who are members of the church take vows to bring their children up within the church and the Christian faith.

Others feel that although they believe in God they would want their child to make up their own mind about being a member of a church when they are older.  Never the less it feels important to take the time to thank God and seek his blessing on their child and their family.

This leaflet give mores details about blessings of infants at Lecropt:

Blessings of Infants at Lecropt.pdf

If you want to talk to the Minister about any of this please do not hesitate to get in touch.